Family Travel, Single Travel, Couples Travel

Travel Tips & Tricks…in your 30s [Video]

Get your pen and paper, open your notes app, and get ready to gain some key travel hacks from our special guest, Trinity …

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Family Travel, Single Travel, Couples Travel

Alaska Airlines launches new options for guests to support sustainable travel [Video]

Alaska is the first U.S. airline to link guest participation in sustainability to loyalty with an accelerated path to elite status.    We’re excited to share a new way you can join us on our journey toward a more sustainable aviation future. Now, when you book your flights with Alaska Airlines, guests will have the option […]

Family Travel, Single Travel, Couples Travel

Flying with Luly: How to pack a suit [Video]

Over the next two years, internationally known Seattle fashion designer Luly Yang will redesign uniforms for more than 12,000 Alaska Airlines employees. Between design sessions, Yang will share her favorite fashion-related travel tips. As a fashion designer, I travel often for my work and inspiration. Though I work with textiles and clothing everyday, there’s something I […]

Family Travel, Single Travel, Couples Travel Fundraising for Churches Fundraising for Non-profits Fundraising Ideas for Schools Grant Writing for Non-Profits How to Raise Funds for Non-profit Nonprofit Clubs Places To Donate Resources for Nonprofit Directors Travel Inspiration

AP African American studies class debuts in 60 US high schools Action News Jax [Video]

AP African American Studies will introduce a new generation of students to the amazingly rich cultural, artistic and political contributions of African Americans, said Trevor Packer, the College Boards senior vice president of AP and instruction.