Resources for Nonprofit Directors

York County market steps up to raise money for food pantry in need [Video]

Harvest of Blessing is a nonprofit food pantry that is searching for a new building, after being hit with a significant rent hike.

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — Leg Up Farmers Market in Manchester Township is answering a call for help.

“We have been donating our extra food to Harvest of Blessing for years,” said Dan Stump, the market’s manager. “They are an amazing organization that we know supports the community and when we read about their situation, we just wanted to think of a way we could quickly start helping them.”

Through February, every customer will be asked when they check out if they want to round up their bill to support Harvest of Blessing.

The nonprofit rents its current spot on Princess Street from the York County Food Bank, which recently informed Harvest of Blessing its rent would be significantly raised to a price the pantry cannot afford.

“We are really honored …

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Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Is a Stroller and Car Seat Combo Worth It? [Video]

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