Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Daily Show for September 25, 2023 [Video]

The climate crisis, war, attacks on reproductive rights, book bansthese threats aren’t looming. They are here now. If you think Democracy Now!’s reporting on these issues is essential, please sign up for a monthly gift of $10 or more. Right now, a generous donor will DOUBLE your gift, making your donation twice as valuable. We don’t have a paywall or run ads, which means were not brought to you by the oil, gas, coal, or nuclear companies when we cover the climate catastrophe or by the weapons manufacturers when we cover war. Democracy Now! is funded by you and thats why we need your help today. This is a challenging year for news organizations and nonprofits across the board, so please dont close this window before making your gift. We’re counting on you more than ever to sustain our reporting. Start your monthly donation of $10 or more right now and help Democracy Now! stay strong and independent all year round. Thank you so much. -Amy Goodman

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Founder of ELNC claims lawsuit is attempt to steal her “intellectual property” [Video]

Dr. Nkechy Ezeh was sued after board members at the early childhood education nonprofit she founded claimed she embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars. She is now speaking out to refute the claims

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Under-the-Bed Storage Options to Help Banish Clutter [Video]

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